"Weak Sauce"
Posted by Andrew Haines in News on 9.09.2008
My friend—a regular reader of this blog—uses this term to describe things which are less than satisfying in terms of argumentative or convictive substance. I doubt he would define it that way, but I'm pretty sure (based on my own experience of its usage) that this is what he intends by it.
I think we would both agree that Sen. Joe Biden's recent Meet the Press appearance was pretty "weak sauce."At the risk of sounding polemic toward preeminent Democratic figures—and directing the focus of this blog away from its true telos and toward political commentary—I can't help but mention Biden's display of thoroughly lifeless reasoning on this week's television interview with Tom Brokaw. It is an unsurprising follow-up to Nancy Pelosi's comments of all-too-recent memory. Not only was Sen. Biden's reasoning similarly lifeless, but non-convicting and fallacious as well. When pressed on the question of abortion from the perspective of a Catholic in public office, the response was foreseeably typical: "I'm prepared as a matter of faith to accept that life begins at the moment of conception...But that is my judgment. For me to impose that judgment on everyone else who is equally and maybe even more devout than I am seems to me is inappropriate in a pluralistic society."
While we're at it, we might consider removing murder, rape and pillage from the offenses punishable by United States law. After all, they aren't scientifically demonstrable evils. What are they beyond personal "judgments," imposed upon unsuspecting Americans who have a right to believe and do as they please in our pluralistic society? No one is really right, anyhow. At least not so "right" as to be entitled to press his or her judgment of rectitude onto the masses, who may or may not have voted for such a person to hold an office where precisely that is expected of them. Are we really all right? I guess that's a silly question; who are you to tell me if that is or isn't right? That would be so un-pluralistic of us! I'll think what I think and you think what you think, and we just won't bother with coming to a consensus of truth on this matter or any matter. That will show the world the power of American democracy...
I think a commentary on just why Sen. Biden's remarks were deficient is unwarranted. Hyperbole is worth a thousand words. It's also easier and more entertaining.
[My apologies to all the good Democrats out there. It's just that your party seems to be the one attracting all the nominal Catholics who are willing to compromise 'their' faith for the sake of the public 'good.']
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