
Never having thought I'd use that word in the plural...ever...it seems to fit here due to the large number of commitments that have been coming my way, and the subsequent breaks in writing that have occurred. My only petition: stay with me. I assure you more fruitful and regular posting in the (hopefully immediate) future. But again, for now, be prepared for the sporadic blogging that comes along with visitors, studying and exams. Thanks!

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    # by Anonymous - May 22, 2008 at 11:38 AM

    Not to worry, we'll stay with you.
    All good things are worth the wait.
    Are prayers are with you.

    God bless

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    # by Anonymous - May 22, 2008 at 11:09 PM

    All good prayers, brother!

    You know, if you ever made the leap to wordpress, WP allows you to post-date content that will automatically publish at the later date and time (down to the minute) of your choosing. Weeks I know I will be busy, I space my non-time-sensitive content out accordingly.