Site Updates

Alright, I'm pretty sure that our blogging staff is now complete. After a few additions, we currently have 5 total contributors to the site, which you can see in the "About the Authors" section in the right sidebar. Because of this - and to make the site less of a personal project and more of a group effort - I am going to change the site URL to: <>. Hopefully, this will be done within the next few days.

Also, the idea of putting together a weekly Podcast has been brought to my attention; we would probably include things such as Gospel reflections for the week, catachetical and academic discussions on Catholic topics, and other news and such from the North American College in Rome. Soon, we will have the first one completed (I hope), and will post it here on the site for you to download. For those unfamiliar with Podcasts, they are simply free, personalized "radio shows" that can be downloaded to your computer for later listening, as well as distributed freely over the Apple iTunes network. Podcasts seem to be the way to go as far as modern communications go, so we are anxious to get ours up and running.

Thanks again for your support. Stay tuned for more frequent updates and a wider range of perspectives from our new contributors...

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    # by Andrew Haines - August 28, 2007 at 4:55 AM

    ya... sorry for the change in address. i appreciate your support though. i will make a point to look at your blogs as well.
